Usually, the transaction takes 1 to 3 business days to be completed. However, each method may take a different time:
Bank Account Debit: The transaction may take 1 to 3 business days to be completed. In cases of Brazilian or international Holidays, this may take a little longer, depending on the functioning of Banks in Brazil. To ensure this deadline, make sure you entered the account information correctly, including the appropriate type of account (savings or checking account).
Wire Transfer: Wire Transfer transactions may be concluded on the same day if the instructions are followed accordingly.
See details on terms below:
Deposits confirmed by 09:00 AM (EST) will be credited to Brazilian bank account within 2 business days. It is possible that the payment takes only 1 business day.
Deposits confirmed after 10:00 AM (EST) will be credited to Brazilian bank account within 3 working days. The most common term is 2 business days .
Please note that the above terms refer to business days. Thus, an item requested at 10:01 AM (EST) of a Friday may be credited at the following Wednesday.
ATTENTION : The responsibility for the accuracy of the account information of the recipient in Brazil are the responsibility of the customer. The customer must subscribe or properly inform the bank name, branch number, account number, CPF/CNPJ and full name of the main account holder. If this information is not correct, CambioReal is not responsible for fulfillment of the above mentioned deadlines.